From Corporate Marketers to Viral Influencers - Overnight

Creating content for TikTok is unlike creating video content for more traditional social media platforms or websites. Not only are the videos more eclectic and faster-paced, they rely heavily on in-app conventions such as text, filters, transitions, and music. Zach and Kyra discovered that you need a special blend of authenticity and creativity to make it to the top of the bottomless pool that is TikTok. Our advice? Dive in, be bold, and stay true to yourself and your brand.

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Members / roles

Zachary Bell / Content Creator

Kyra Denlinger / Model & Videography Consultant

Our Contribution

Social Media Account Management, Content Creation, Video Editing, Graphic Design

January 2021

Project Backstory, Details, and Results

During 2021, most of the world was shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our clients were asking us to explore different social media platforms to help their business; specifically, interest was running high surrounding TikTok. 

After playing around with the platform for a few days, we were overwhelmed with the feeling that we stepped into the “wild west” of the social media world. After trying a few creative concepts and watching other creators, we decided it was best to stick with what we know. 

Zachary has a background in health and wellness, specifically surrounding massage. Since society was mostly shut down, he thought he could help others by sharing tips for decreasing pain at home - and At Home Massage was born.

The content struck a chord. By the time we launched our third video, we exploded into a followership of more than 50,000. The huge response to our video gave us the confidence to continue making videos into 2023; we did this by creating TikToks nearly every weekend while working during the week. Today, At Home Massage currently has a video library of over 125 videos with a total followership of over 250,000. 

At Home Massage has also been involved in influencer campaigns. In 2022, we partnered with Earthlite Massage to promote a massage product for at-home use. Within two weeks of publishing the video, the product sold out and was backordered for 6 months. 

At Home Massage has now developed its own line of massage oil made for massage therapists and massage enthusiasts. The massage oil is made in the USA by a veteran-owned, women-owned business.

Learn More about the Creative Process

Creating content for TikTok is unlike creating video content for more traditional social media platforms or websites. Not only are the videos more eclectic and faster-paced, they rely heavily on in-app conventions such as text, filters, transitions, and music. 

Zach and Kyra discovered that you need a special blend of authenticity and creativity to make it to the top of the bottomless pool that is TikTok. Our advice to those who wanted to get started on TikTok? Dive in, be bold, and stay true to yourself and your brand.

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Want to make something like this for your business? Let’s do it!

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