Leveraging Email to Generate Additional Revenue

Yeager Supply, an industrial piping and valve wholesaler based in Reading, Pa., has been operating for over 55 years. They had a lot of customer data on file, but weren’t leveraging it for any specific corporate messaging or email initiatives. Bell Media Group, who had already become a trusted partner for their social media account management, worked closely with their marketing and leadership team to create an email marketing program to promote their vendor spotlight and training events.

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Members / roles

Constant Contact / SaaS Partner

Our Contribution

Email marketing, project management, graphic design, content writing

June, 2023

Project Backstory, Details, and Results

Yeager Supply, an industrial piping and valve wholesaler, has been operating for more than 55 years. 55 years in business translates a rich history, deep roots, and lots… and lots… of data. Bell Media Group had already been working with Yeager Supply on their social media presence for almost two years, and in 2023, we approached them with the possibility of beginning an email marketing program.

Email marketing can be a fantastic driver of specific actions: increasing registrations, for example, or getting visits to a landing page. For Yeager Supply, we zeroed in on featuring free training and supplier events. The email itself doesn’t sell anything - but it brings interested customers onsite to their location, where they can further explore Yeager Supply’s offerings, products, and partnerships. The emails go out in synergy with Facebook promotions, creating a unified presence across their digital footprint for each event.

The process began with a presentation from BMG to Yeager Supply leaders that laid out three options for email service providers. Based on our foreknowledge of Yeager Supply’s operational ecosystem and goals, we selected top providers that we knew could fit their unique needs. After a joint decision was made to run with Constant Contact, Co-Founder Kyra Denlinger designed a tagging and segmentation system based off of the customer data already available to create a flexible database. 

One of the key features of the initiative was creating “dynamic content,” wherein each unique viewer is sent a message that features the contact information of their dedicated sales rep. Adding this customized block creates a personal touch for the reader and gives them access to the name, phone number, and email address of their point person in every message. With more than 35 sales team members, automating this process instead of doing it manually saves them hours of work each month.

Today, Yeager Supply boasts an above average open and click percentage and has reported that they have new faces showing up to nearly every digital and in-person event they host.

Learn More about the Creative Process

Email is not dead! But building a strong email marketing program requires more than great copy, a catchy headline, and streamlined graphics. The core of any program rests on a well-designed database with the ability to segment audiences and capture meaningful data. BMG relished the opportunity to build a strong system for Yeager Supply from the ground up. 

Yeager Supply marketing representatives can now email their customers based on location, company, dedicated sales rep, and engagement level - which all adds up to more effective messaging and more customer actions over time.

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